Physical Therapy
The human body is a complex system of muscles, joints, nerves, and organs. When working properly it can do amazing things, but at times, as in all systems, breakdown occurs. This can have profound effects on how we feel, how we interact with our environment, and therefore truly on our sense of self.
At the Movement Arts Clinic we utilize a holistic approach to healing, integrating active rehabilitation strategies, manual therapies, and most importantly movement retraining, all the while placing you at the center of your recovery.
Conditions Treated
Acute Sport injuries such as joint sprains or muscle strains
Chronic conditions such as arthritis and low-back pain
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation, specializing in
Hip Labral Repairs
ACL Reconstructions
Rotator Cuff Repairs
Joint Replacements
Spinal Surgeries
Foot Surgeries including bunionectomy and Achilles Tendon Repair
Plantar Fasciitis
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Balance and de-conditioning
Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
Bursitis of the Shoulder and Hip
Pediatric conditions including
Delayed motor-skill development
Cerebral palsy and Pediatric orthopedic complaints
We are up-to-date on rehabilitation following the latest in minimally invasive and non-surgical interventions such as Stem Cell and Hyluronic Acid injections.
Assessment and Evaluation (90 minutes)
Following an extensive intake and past medical history in which your symptoms, aggravating factors, limitations, and goals are discussed we begin with a physical assessment.
This begins from the ground up with postural analysis and looks not only at the injured or effected area, but at the entire kinetic chain. As a specialist in movement we consider joint restriction, muscle length and strength imbalances, balance deficiencies, neurological impairments, and neuromuscular coordination issues while looking not only for the source of your pain, but also the cause.
Once we've diagnosed your injury and movement impairment, and determined your goals for therapy, treatment begins. On day 1 this will typically involve simple restorative exercises to spark recovery and manual therapy for symptom relief. Following this initial session you will receive a personal and detailed home-exercise program to minimize treatment duration and maximize results.
Treatment Sessions (60 minutes)
Once assessment and evaluation are complete, you'll be on your way towards recovery with our specialized and personalized treatment sessions. Each one-on-one treatment can combine movement and manual techniques based off of your phase of recovery and working towards your specific needs and goals.
We don't want to waste your time or money, so typically our treatments are intense and condensed, with the number of sessions needed usually about 25% less than at a typical Physical Therapy practice.
Throughout the therapy process we are constantly re-assessing and altering the treatment plan to meet your needs and ensure that tissue healing is occurring as expected and that you are on track to meet your goals.
At any point during the therapy process should we feel that further examination or referral is necessary, we will be happy to advise and facilitate connection between you and a specialized provider.